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TE Connectivity - Cooling Tower Rebuilds

ColonialWebb was contracted to replace the media fill and install new motors and support brackets for three cooling towers at the TE Connectivity facility in Culpeper, Virginia. These towers are vital to the three process chillers that are at this location and if they are down the plant is not able to make money.

The schedule was built around a three day scope which allowed for the media and motor replacement, as well as the cleaning of one tower per day. We started on Friday, February 2nd and everything went very smoothly for the first two days, completing our scope on two of the towers.

The true measure of our commitment to the customer came on day three, Sunday, February 4th. The weather in Culpeper on Sunday was snow, ice, and freezing rain for the entire day. Our team knew that we only had one window of time in which we could perform this work and we knew how much it would affect the customers bottom line if we were not able to get their cooling tower fixed and back online. Our Project Manager, Jonathan Bell, and supervisors Doug Duff and AC Dove had a well thought out plan for this job that enabled us to safely complete this project despite the presence of inclement weather. Our customer was very appreciative of the hard work from Ricky Bryant, Kenny Apgar, Andrew May, Elvis Resto, James Briley, Joe Hartman, Ben Brooks, and Doug Duff who worked in the elements in close to freezing temperatures.

Our guys were able to perform this work respect to Safety, and they understood what it meant for the customer if we didn’t get it done (Empathy). The guys acted with Urgency and Integrity to honor our commitment make sure the work was completed on time.

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