Winter Operations Checklist

Freezing temperatures bring more challenges to maintaining your refrigeration systems! Snow and ice can bring about damaging/costly issues that could have been prevented. Here are a few points to check periodically through the icy months to come:
Make sure your eliminators are clear of snow and ice. You can shovel it off but, if you run your condenser without the fans the hot air will melt any accumulation.
Check your sump to make sure it is not frozen.
Ensure your float valve and heat trace are working.
A frozen float valve could overflow your reservoir allowing water to freeze your blades in place.
Always check your fans to ensure they are not frozen before turning them on. In cold weather, fans easily shatter often taking the shrouds and surround housing with them.
Is the door closed between the fan chambers? Units run most efficiently when the air is flowing where it should and not through an open door.
If you have any questions about your units or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our service department by calling 757-962-9908. They will be happy to help.