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CWC at the Center of Baltimore's Performing Arts Community

Baltimore Center Stage is a 120,000 square foot performing arts theater located in the Mt. Vernon arts district of Baltimore City. Since 1963, the theater welcomes nearly 100,000 people a year to enjoy world-class theatrical performances. The theater recently underwent a significant renovation project; a large portion of which included new HVAC equipment.

In May of this year, Cullen Dechant made a call to Kevin Maroney, Operations Manager to discuss our maintenance and service capabilities. The timing couldn’t be better. Kevin was at his wits end with the installing contractor and was looking for a competent and responsive local company to maintain and service his new building. ColonialWebb stepped up and now provides HVAC and a Refrigeration maintenance for the theater. We also just provide HVAC & Plumbing maintenance for two adjacent buildings that house visiting actors, interns, directors and supporting staff. Very quickly, we have become part of their team. Cullen asked Mr. Maroney to share his thoughts on ColonialWebb’s performance so far and here is what he had to say:

“ Cullen [DeChant], Jeff [Cummins], Chris [Ostrander], Troy [Blizzard] and the team at ColonialWebb are among the few contractors who actually listened to our needs and brought back a responsive proposal. As a not-for-profit arts organization, we don’t have extensive resources, so we have to be smart about our commitments. It is critical to have willing, understanding, and technically competent partners, if we are to succeed.”

“I think it takes “civilians” a while to figure out our business model and learn how to work within it. It tends not to make sense to people who are trained and immersed in the standard American business model. The team at ColonialWebb started off stronger than most partners I have encountered, and I expect the service delivery will improve from there as we learn to anticipate and address issues earlier in the cycle.”

Not only are we growing our Baltimore business and creating lasting and profitable partnerships, but we are also supporting an organization that provides various employment & internship opportunities for Baltimore city residents. According to Mr. Maroney, “Community engagement is at the core of what we do. We have a mobile unit that performs in homeless shelters, community centers, prisons and other spaces out in the real world…. Our Education Department runs a summer camp for school kids, and a Young Playwright’s Festival that receives over 600 submissions annually, then we stage full-on productions of the winning entries.”

Thanks for everyone's hard work and support in Baltimore!

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