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Dominion Tower One - Dominion Energy's New Workplace

ColonialWebb is fully underway in the construction of the HVAC and plumbing systems for Dominion Energy’s new downtown office tower in Richmond, VA. "600 Canal Place" will be a 20-story office building, will take up entire city block, and will provide a workplace and parking facility for more than 1,000 Dominion employees when it is finished 2019. The project is slated to reach LEED Gold standards for energy efficiency and sustainability.


Dominion Energy wanted a high-performance, cutting edge, highly sustainable building. ColonialWebb was awarded the project early in the design process, led by the talents of our preconstruction team of Nathan Wethington, Todd Mitchell, Bob Kokal, Randy Hinebaugh, Tyler Grosmick, Daniel Martinez and Dustin Taylor.

The team worked directly with Dominion, Hourigan / Clayco, the general contractor, as well as two architectural and engineering firms. The collaborative partnership helped with design strategies for system layouts, provided cost saving ideas, and they came up with suggestions for upgrades to the building based on new technologies in the marketplace.

There was deep involvement of the preconstruction team during the design development process allowing Dominion opportunities to provide additional upgrades within their budget. ColonialWebb’s involvement with the design team also led to the relocation of an entire floor of amenities. An employee dining room and kitchen were relocated to a lower level, below a Data Center, to better serve Dominion.


Brad Mohler, Peyton Ford, Glenn Hutton, Raul Rivera, and Kenny Propst are about half-way through the coordination and BIM process for the 28 miles of pipe and duct on the project. Our manufacturing shop is kicking into high(er) gear with the fabrication of 310,000 lbs of ductwork, and 25,000 feet of pipe and plumbing. The vital BIM and detailing efforts for this project have been demanding. The team has participated in countless working sessions, where we have invited the Hourigan/Clayco team, and other trade partners and designers to our office to work hand-in-hand with us to meet the critical delivery dates for the schedule.

Prefabrication will be key for this project as well meeting the fast-paced schedule requiring rough-in work on multiple floors at the same time. Our manufacturing shop, for example, will modify 32 air handlers to add duct plenums, control dampers and assemblies, and HVAC piping coil connections to allow the simple delivery, rigging, and setting into place of each assembly on the hi-rise floors. Pipe, plumbing and duct risers will be prefabricated the length we can get on a trailer and, with the help of the two tower cranes onsite, we will lift these risers and drop them through the shafts completing two to three floors at one time. Big thanks to Warren Voltz, Ron Potts, John Hunter, and all our fabricators! This will make the rough-in faster, and will allow just in time delivery to a very small work foot print down town.


Rick Boncal, Keith Klammer, Chris Clement, Kent Graham, and Jason Mottesheard are providing the leadership for all activities from procurement, detailing coordination, prefabrication scheduling, to logistical planning. Currently, as all equipment is being staged for installation, fabrication begins. Our plumbing crews have installed over 1 mile of underground plumbing for the building. We are beginning to install hangers, storm piping, and as soon as the steel is completed and the concrete is poured, we will begin installing duct work on the lower levels of the building. This is a head start to our activities per the schedule, but working closely with the general contractor allows us to be more productive onsite. When the project is complete, the construction team will have installed 10 miles of duct work, 18 miles of plumbing and piping, 465 plumbing fixtures, 6,829 grilles, and 936 pieces of HVAC equipment!


Dominion Energy shares the same pride for our local community as we do at ColonialWebb. We were challenged to partner with local diverse businesses (minority owned, women owned, veteran owned, etc.) for the Dominion Energy Project. ColonialWebb partnered with 14 of these diverse companies to generate a significant amount of work! These partnerships exceeded the goals and expectations set by our customer. We are proud of our ability to help support local businesses.


The Dominion Tower project is demanding, challenging, and fast-paced, but our customer knew that only a few companies could handle the demands of the project. The Hourigan/Clayco team has given us an A+ for our preconstruction and installation efforts to date, and we see no reason why that will change from here to the end of the project based on the skill, experience, care, and dedication our team brings.

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