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Screwy Compressor? Time to Overhaul!

Screwy Compressor? Time to Overhaul!

Is your Compressor not running quite right or losing capacity? Do you think it may need an overhaul?

Start is with the filters. When was the last time they were changed? Do you hear an odd noise, notice an increase in suction/discharge temperatures, or even a loss of capacity? You may want to check a few things:

  • Proper operation and calibration of the slide valve and slide stop

  • Coupling hubs and inserts for proper installation

Refrigeration compressor manufacturers recommend vibration analysis on a regular basis. If you have a noise develop, we recommend an analysis be performed soon to minimize damage or prevent catastrophic failure of the equipment.

After testing and servicing you compressor, you may find you need to get a rebuild or even a brand new compressor…

Most certified rebuild facilities offer several levels of rebuild:

  • The most cost effective allows for the replacement of the thrust bearings, roller bearings, shaft seal and all gaskets, o-rings, and locknuts and lock washers. They will test and paint your compressor as well!

  • The most comprehensive rebuild will require that a new bare compressor be purchased. This is usually a last resort and is often required if there is damage to the housing or if the repair costs of the damaged equipment exceeds the cost effectiveness of a new compressor.

When a new or rebuilt compressor is installed on your existing package, all filters should be changed. If this is a compressor failure, replacement of the oil should be considered. Once installed, the necessary alignments should be done to ensure everything is running smoothly with a base line vibration/oil analysis. Most manufacturers will offer a rebate for any core that is returned in reusable shape, which will help offset the replacement cost.

[endif]-- If you have any questions on rebuilding your compressor or need manuals, please contact our parts or service department, and we will be glad to assist you. ![endif]--

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