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Norfolk Project Success

Great Wolf Lodge (GWL) is an existing customer who regularly relies on ColonialWebb for projects, repair service, and maintenance. GWL contracted with Neuman Group for the replacement of two very large heat recover units (outdoor air handlers) and other ancillary equipment.

CW had budgeted this project a couple of years prior to being contacted for this bid. The equipment had been pre-purchased and was soon to ship when we were contacted by Neuman Group. We had a very short time to estimate this opportunity. The job involved installing the furnished equipment, replacing enormous ductwork outside and inside the indoor water park, installing large propeller circulation fans, and side-wall exhaust fans - all while the park is occupied and open for operation!

Great Wolf Lodge is one of our largest and most important customers. We are one of very few contractors that work at this site who can handle the nature of their work. Obtaining this project allowed us another great opportunity to show what the ColonialWebb team can do!

[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]Fantastic job to everyone involved!


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