Are You In Compliance?
Get a jump on audits - They are a tool to your success! No one likes to be caught off guard, especially when it comes to their ammonia refrigeration system.
How old is your system, is it still in compliance with regulations?
Maybe you have a piece of equipment that seems to be running on it's last leg.
Do you have a pipe that looks corroded?
A 5-year Mechanical Integrity inspection will provide a well-rounded image of the health of your system. Do you have a program that hasn’t been updated since 2009? Have no fear, a Compliance Audit will highlight all deficiencies in your programs. Audits are a tool for facility employees, supervisors and managers to become aware of foreseeable problems in the upcoming years. Who knows, it could save your facility from a horrific release.

How often each audit is required by IIAR?
Audit Frequencies:
Compliance Audit 3-Year
Process Hazard Analysis 5-Year or during MOC if major change
Mechanical Integrity Audit 5-Year full inspection, Annual B109 inspection
NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) 5-Year (generally done during MI Inspection)
Risk Management Plan 5-Year or during a PHA/have major change to facility
SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are not an audit/inspection, but do need to be reviewed annually or updated per equipment change-out, that is not like-for-like.

Chelsea DiCaprio
Service Coordinator Industrial Refrigeration
(757) 513-6340 (c)
(757) 962-9908 (o)
** The 2009 EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act) contains the current efficiency regulations for a wide variety of equipment and industries.