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Are You In Compliance?

Get a jump on audits - They are a tool to your success! No one likes to be caught off guard, especially when it comes to their ammonia refrigeration system.

  • How old is your system, is it still in compliance with regulations?

  • Maybe you have a piece of equipment that seems to be running on it's last leg.

  • Do you have a pipe that looks corroded?

A 5-year Mechanical Integrity inspection will provide a well-rounded image of the health of your system. Do you have a program that hasn’t been updated since 2009? Have no fear, a Compliance Audit will highlight all deficiencies in your programs. Audits are a tool for facility employees, supervisors and managers to become aware of foreseeable problems in the upcoming years. Who knows, it could save your facility from a horrific release.

How often each audit is required by IIAR?

Audit Frequencies:

  • Compliance Audit 3-Year

  • Process Hazard Analysis 5-Year or during MOC if major change

  • Mechanical Integrity Audit 5-Year full inspection, Annual B109 inspection

  • NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) 5-Year (generally done during MI Inspection)

  • Risk Management Plan 5-Year or during a PHA/have major change to facility

  • SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are not an audit/inspection, but do need to be reviewed annually or updated per equipment change-out, that is not like-for-like.


Chelsea DiCaprio

Service Coordinator Industrial Refrigeration

(757) 513-6340 (c)

(757) 962-9908 (o)

** The 2009 EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act) contains the current efficiency regulations for a wide variety of equipment and industries.

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