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Charlottesville "SP Team" is Thankful for Teamwork and Collaboration

The New Year is a great time to reflect on the things in our lives that we are grateful for. After family and friends, for us, that includes working for a great company. We had a very successful 2016 in Charlottesville, and the credit goes out the talented team members we have on our team. Thank you all for the hard work and dedication you put in last year. We are very proud to have you on board! We are looking forward to the upcoming year, and excited to do even better. Charlottesville is a relatively small office. While both our service and projects departments have grown significantly over the past five years, our success could not have been accomplished without the talented help from other OUs. The folks mentioned below play a big part in our day-to-day work. These are only the folks that we have worked with, and there are so many more administrative and support roles behind the scenes that help make this all possible, and likely a few that we forgot to mention, so thank you all for everything that you do!

Since the beginning, "Team Mayhew" (Mike and Mark), have always been there to provide direction, teaching and coaching, and even additional manpower, in all different trades ANY time we need it! Big thanks to you guys and all of those that make up your teams. Also from Richmond, Jim Updyke, Stephen Hawk and his crew have provided excellent service and support on the electrical side. Many of the projects that we land have a great deal of electrical work included in the scope. Without the help and support from these guys, we would likely have to turn these opportunities down or sub contract another company. It is always a pleasure to get to work with this group and they always leave the customer happy each and every time. Thank you all! Tim Lowery and his group have been phenomenal at supporting our needs when it comes to TAB and even controls. This group is made up of very talented individuals that have always delivered jobs well done. Often times they get the short end of the stick with us as we always seem to need them “right now”, but they always find a way to make it happen! Thank you all for all of the help and support, and I promise we don’t call last minute on purpose!

Let’s not forget about those that make it happen for us, but are never seen on the job site. Chris Hailey and Jeremy Penman take our wonderful duct and piping sketches (sarcasm, they’re not always wonderful) that we send them and translate to the fabrication shop so that the expectations are clear. With the help of Warren Voltz, Greg Johnson, Ron Potts and all the talented individuals that work on the fabrication floor, as well as the drivers, they do everything they can to get the material in our hands in a timely fashion. Because of these guys, we end up with a very nice product that we all should be proud to put our name on as we install it. Thank you all for doing what you do!

We also want to thank Anthony Bowers and Adam Trowbridge for all of their help and support. These guys know “Safety”, and they take “Reality” into consideration as well. If you encounter something that you are unsure of, I encourage you to reach out - they are great to work with! Ensuring that we are safe on our sites can be a difficult task, and we have successfully worked with these two gentleman on several occasions to eliminate hazards or re-engineer the way that we go about performing a task. This ensures the safety of our teammates while satisfying additional requirements that the customer may have as well. So again, big thanks for what you guys do and for being here all those times that we have called on you for help.

Seeing faces from the Richmond office is the norm, but in early 2016, we had the opportunity to take on a project that was originally given to another contractor that didn’t meet the customers standards and expectations. Based off of past projects that we had performed, they called on us to finish the work, which was behind schedule and on a very tight deadline. In order to make this happen, we needed a great deal of addition help. Team Mayhew sent a few guys from Richmond and Metro, but we also got the chance to work with our Newport News Plumbing group as well. Billy Batten was able supply the additional help needed to drive this job to the finish line and meet not only the schedule, but the expectations of the customer. I truly feel that this was one of the projects that stood out to the customer, therefore bringing in additional work with them. Thank you to all of those involved on Thornton Hall A Wing!

Last but not least, we want to give thanks to the senior management folks at ColonialWebb. This company has a heart that went into developing the Vision and Culture for our Team, as well as how we provide our services to our customers. The changes that we have seen here in the last few years have been great! Every person within ColonialWebb has been extremely helpful and willing to teach and/or coach. If they didn’t know the answer themselves, they pointed us in the right direction but never left us hanging. This is testament to the ground work that has been developed from those above us. You spread the message and demonstrated what Care, Leadership, and being a Team should look like. We are at a place where we are comfortable to speak up when we don’t feel safe, or we don’t agree with something, and we are now able to pump the brakes and collaborate to come up with solutions. We never have to do it alone with the talented, caring individuals at ColonialWebb. We are a team that treat one another like a family, and it will continue to get even better as we move forward!

Here's to a fantastic 2017 of continued teamwork and collaboration!

Charlottesville SP Team

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