Thinking Outside The Box!

One of our customers was experiencing an ongoing problem with a sewer smell on their buildings lower level since construction. Michael Brandon and Jeffrey Cummins made several visits, conducted some in-depth research, collaborated with the customer, and decided that the most economical way of testing the plumbing waste and vent system would be a smoke test.
Michael spent a great deal of his time researching the best way to perform the test. Despite all his research Michael was unable to find suitable equipment so he built his own “Smoke Machine!" After loading it a few times with smoke bombs, Michael and Jeffery were able to find the leak in a cast iron tee connected to the kitchen slop sink.
Our customer was very impressed with Michael’s skills and innovation in solving this issue that plagued their facility for years! We commend Michael for his diligence in solving such a difficult problem and keeping our customer happy! Keep up the great work Michael!