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Safety Week 2016 Was A Huge Success!

It was a great Safety Week here at ColonialWebb! But remember safety never ends. We are all unified by safety and it's behind every decision we make. We are gratified that we are sending more people home safely to their families than ever before, but we will remain focused and vigilant!

Below is a summary of our Safety Week:

Monday, May 9th - Our Safety Week Kick Off Day

It was called "Flood the Workplace" day where all of our supervisors and leaders flooded the field with safety messages! The main topic of the day was our Safety Partnership! If you haven't had an opportunity to view the video, please click below.

Tuesday, May 10th - Safety In The Moment Day

We challenged every employee to participate by sending in their best safety story. This could include a close call that occurred on the job or at home, a safe action that was witnessed, a funny safety story, or even a story of how your life has changed as a result of being safe. We received a lot of GREAT stories and it was hard to pick the "top 10"! You can read all of the stories that were submitted by visiting our Facebook page.

Wednesday, May 11th - Best Office Safety Video

We asked each office to get creative and create their own safety videos! The competition was fierce and the videos were awesome and very creative! Have you seen them yet? If not, visit our YouTube page to see them all. All of the videos were remarkably well done and it was obvious that a great deal of time and hard work went into each one. While one “winner” was selected in conjunction with the contest, all of the submissions are truly winners as they each represent our safety culture and demonstrate how much you care! Congratulations to our Metro/DC office for being selected the winner!

Thursday, May 12th - Safety Expo Day

Each of our locations hosted a safety celebration day! We brought in vendors to conduct safety clinics, conducted drop tests, and even provided free health screenings! Our local police and fire departments were on hand to talk about distracted driving and provide hands on fire extinguisher training! All of this to celebrate our safety successes and to continue our conversations about safety and how we care for each other! It was a great day!

Friday, May 13th - This Is Why I 5x5 Day

All employees were asked to share what is important to them via pictures uploaded to our ​Facebook page! (To see all of the photos, make sure to check the Visitor Post section on the Facebook page) This could have been pictures of their families, pets, cars, or whatever is important to them. Thanks to everyone for the awesome pictures you submitted; we really enjoyed seeing what is important to you and why you 5x5. We selected the top four photos with the most likes and gave them prizes. Congratulations to those winners pictured below. Although Safety Week is technically over, continue to watch out for yourselves and each other. Through your photos and stories it’s clear that there are very important reasons to 5x5. Thanks for a great Safety Week!

Safety Week is a show of force, an opportunity for people and companies, even competitors to work together and rally around a common and vitally important cause. We can all be leaders in keeping our workforce safe – no matter where you are located, your company size or your role in our industry.

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