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Rebuild Together Richmond - 2016

A big thanks for those who volunteered their personal time to join us this past Saturday at the Rebuild Together Richmond event, it was a fun day for a great cause. The actions of those involved is a true testament to living one of our core beliefs “ Giving Back to the Community”. A special thanks to Mike Mayhew - "House Captain” and team of plumbers and electricians who for the past month leading up to the event day, supported 38 other House Captains by running plumbing and electrical service calls. Some of the work we performed to Mrs. Oliver’s house included kitchen subfloor and joist replacement, new vinyl flooring, new kitchen cabinets and countertop, new water heater, installation of front and back screen doors, installation of front step railing, yard clean-up and mowing, flower bed planting and mulching, A/C preventive maintenance and smoke alarm installation.

Mary Kay Huss, Executive Director of Rebuild Together Richmond and her staff share a sincere appreciation to ColonialWebb for our dedication and continued support. She stated that our team working behind the scene was a key contributor to the events success!

2016 Rebuild Together Richmond Team:

Mike Mayhew, Jason Swinson, Chris Semones, Matt Liggon, Jeremy Penman, Kenny Propst, Allen Lane, Joe Slinker, Jerry Adams, Randy and Beverly Theen, Alison Nuckols, Brittany Southworth, Lori Hankins, Raymond and Mrs. Clark, Frederick Ouellette, Branden & Mrs. Brown, E.L. Reid, Richard Tripp, George Wilton, Adam Weatherford, Mike Epps, Alex Alfonso, Euan Szelest, Bee Chim (MCV), Stephen Hawk, Jim Updyke, Jamie Olson and Bob Kenawell.

Thanks again to all of you for giving back! Be safe and have a great week!

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